
Superoverlay Pro

Very good examples of Superoverlay 1.5 Pro public Matt Fox
It is California Geologic Maps and Geologic Map of the United States by USGS
Nice professional work, good examples. Enjoy!

Google GeoCalendar :)

I test geo events and make Calendar.
You can add New calendar to your Calendars.
Now this calendar have 2 events. You can see events in GMaps by click and select in Where link Map
You can see this calendar as HTML or XML
You can see and use this with Feedburner

You can also insert into your Calendar events only. One or two.

I do not know all ways from this. It's see very interests.


Archive. Google Earth tutorials.

From my archives. Google Earth flash tutorials.
This tutorials i prepare for GE 3.x. Base of positions stored in GE 4.x also.
  1. Step 1 My first placemark (near 2.2Mb)
  2. Step 2. My first image overlay
  3. Step 3. My first network link
  4. How to use network links (near 1.6Mb)
Examples see in GEC (Google Earth communications).

Large collections of manuals you can see in Collected Google Earth Wisdom
and in
Rich Text Guide
Great help for GEC posters see also in Help for Google Earth Members by Chief Sparky

Other collection by Gerardo Paz AKA Gerardo64 include now:
- Marcas de Posición e Imágenes Superpuestas
- Share your Google Earth Placemark in Google Maps
- How to make a GeoRSS from RSS
- Cómo hacer GeoRSS a partir de RSS
- SketchUp Tutorials (Also others)
- Cómo usar una Planilla de Cálculo y Google Earth
- How to use a Spreadsheet & GE
- GE "Built In" Overlays

Google Earth team help&manuals:
GE Guide
KML Reference


Superoverlay.1.5.1. Next version.

Next 1.5.1 version.
New features:
- 'Load/Save' task list as XML file in Scheduler is available

- Custom scheduling type (Launch every hh/mm) is available


Aeronautical Sectional Charts. Global AIS.

Superoverlay 1.5 Pro support large datasets. We can uses Scheduler and distributed Superoverlay projects.
Matt Fox aka Forkboy2 generate great dataset
About 40,000 tiles all together.
Post about this see in Topographic Map Archive
Great work!

From my archives:
I have experience with generation of Airspace datasets for Global AIS
My post in forum.

Global AIS KML Download

Jeffrey Johnson also compare vector and raster datasets near LAX (Los Angeles international airport). Very nice results!



Superoverlay Pro

New version of Superoverlay 1.5.0 include Pro features.

Superoverlay Pro include Scheduler application for run of background processes.
In Scheduler you can add Superoverlay project file as task, select launch date/time and scheduling type.

Added support of download images by FTP.


KML from Google spreadsheets.

Path calculator.

See also



Slide analyst

Next version of Slide analyst
We began now use Net v.2.0.
Bugs fixed.
For Net 1.1 you can download old version.

KMLer 2.0.0

Next version of KMLer.
We began now use Net v.2.0
For Net 1.1 you can download this version.
Procedure of deployment Net 2.0
See also Deployment and requirements page and Forum