
KML to KML. Beta, beta, beta!

First published info.
KML2KML it is stand alone desktop software and system of PHP scripts. Ideas of this applications it's development of professional tools for bath KML reorganization and generation of new GE styles.
Requirements: .NET 2.0
Now this solution include:
  1. RegionTool - universal Region tags generator
  2. ReorganizeTool - group-regroup-ungroup tools.
  3. TextToImage - power markers and legend generator. Bath processing KML operations is supported.
Download, unpack to folder, run *.exe. Net 2.0 framework is need. Sorry, while application without of install.

More info about Text2Image see...



Мир - это двойная спираль, сплетенная из случайного и закономерного.
Меня не перестает удивлять, сколь закономерна случайность и сколь случайна закономерность.
