
Superoverlay 3.0.3 in release

Superoverlay 3.0.3 in release
Negative draw order is enable

Enhanced LOD settings for KML's and folders - you can set LOD and Fade for every level

Selections by geometry... (F5) (Plus&Pro only)
Open dialogue Selection files. You can add KML or KMZ files for the selection of the Area Of Interests (AOI). You can use points, lines and polygons. All results of the work of program will relate only to the selected region
Use - use this geometry in selection
Add - add link to this KML to start link file


KML2KML 3.0.1 in release

KML2KML 3.0.1 in release
New features
View options

Mars, Moon, Sky mode is supported


Topology of stellar points

Topology of stellar points
Applications in geography.
The primary level of the class of topologies in KML - stellar point.

The sequence of levels of investment is small - only three levels (stack maybe).
It describes the entire topology, creating a consistent geometric model means KML.

Structure of topological KML:


KML2KML 3.0.0 in release

KML2KML 3.0.0 in release

New features:
New user interface! GE View window is added

New Generalize tools:

Import shape tool features is improved