
Suzdal church

Model Zachatievskaya church.

SketchUp - 3D model

Google Earth - photos, additional info

KML2KML - elevation+background

ArcScene - professional GIS integration


GIS Planet site is updated


KMLer ($)

LogoKMLer Professional work with Google Earth from ArcGIS 
Download KMLer for ArcGIS 10
Download KMLer for ArcGIS 9.3

Geoselect ($)

Geoselect collects data sources of the current active project to one folder in the specified format, adapts the project (mxd) to the new data, checks of duplicates, projects all layers to uniform coordinate system of the project (reproject) and preserves relative paths
Download Geoselect for ArcGIS 10
Download Geoselect for ArcGIS 9.3
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Isoliner ($ and FREE functions)

Isoliner make grids and points theme with interpolate by Kriging's, triangulation and density methods
Download Isoliner for ArcGIS 10
Download Isoliner for ArcGIS 9.3

Slice 3D ($ and FREE functions)

Slice 3D create of slices by an arbitrary profile line. Slice 3D is intended for making of information geological-geophysical model of a rock mass
Download Slice3D for ArcGIS 10 
Download Slice3D for ArcGIS 9.3
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TypeConvert (FREE!)


TypeConvert Convert one feature class type to another 
Typeconvert for ArcGIS 10 opensourced!
http://code.google.com/p/typeconvert/ - home page
Download Typeconvert for ArcGIS 10 
Download Typeconvert for ArcGIS 9.3



KML2KML is an application including tools for reorganization and optimization of your kml/kmz data.  GE Sky mode is supported
Download KML2KML for GE Plugin v.6 and later
Download KML2KML for GE Plugin v.5

Superoverlay ($)

Superoverlay is a stand-alone Google Earth application for tiling raster datasets and creating view based regions in KML or KMZ groundoverlay files  GE Sky mode is supported.


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